Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

who we are

Pricing Details

We promise to provide top quality veterinary services at low cost, affordable prices. In addition to our low prices, if you have a pensioner’s card, health care card or senior’s card, show this to receive a 10% discount off consults and services only*.

Below prices are as of 1st of Jan 2019 and are subject to change.

Consultation (Mon – Sat)


Consultation (After-hours)

$96 – $150

TPLO Fixed Price

4-40kg Dog Weight
4-40kg Dog Weight


40kg and over
40kg and over


X-Ray Pricing



*For any repeat surgeries (dog’s that have had their knee operated on) please add $300 ex GST. Our surgeon has had over 21 years experience and has done over 1400+ TPLO surgeries and over 2200+ orthopaedic knee surgeries. Please contact (03) 8580 2498 for further pricing and quotations. *Due to our already low prices, this discount does not apply to foods, merchandise and consumables.

TPLO Surgery

Treatment for cranial cruciate ligament deficiency